BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) DTMF-Remote-Control-Pi-Star Using DTMF remote control Pi-Star, command as follow....
BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) Install FanDriver for temperature controlled Fan Login ssh mode: http://pi-star:4200 ,user: pi-star ,password: same as your dashboard Copy the follow script to command line and press Enter: sudo curl
BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) Manual Flash Firmware I have upload a video demo in YouTube ,follow me. 1, Enter flash mode sudo curl
BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) Germany, Austria Shipping instructions About shipping : Under normal circumstances, there are two shipping methods: 1. International Post (Singapore Post), with a delivery time of 15-20 days. You will need to handle customs clearance and p...
BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) Manual Flash Firmware FM-Network I have upload a video demo in YouTube ,follow me. 1, Enter flash mode sudo curl
BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) Manual Flash Firmware FM+M17_build20230606 I have upload a video demo in YouTube ,follow me. 1, Enter flash mode sudo curl
BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) Install NextionDriver for Pi-Star NOTE: The new WPSD Dashboard have install NextionDriver , just enable it. for WPSD Pi-Star Ensure: http://pi-star/admin/advanced/fulledit_mmdvmhost.php for Official Pi-Star #Make SD card writable rpi-... NextionDriver
BI7JTA, Winters_huang(WebMaster) HS5BLO Style for TJC3.5inch with NextionDriver Modified from HS5BLO Style HMI file tft download: HMI download: Install NextionDriver: https://www.bi7... Display NextionDriver TJC